Scripture Reading - 2 Corinthians 3:5-6

5 Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God;
6 Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life. KJV

The people of the world strive to be self-sufficient because they believe that the more they can do for themselves the better. This is further encouraged by the quest for more money believing that money can take care of almost any problem we face in this life. Although this concept is a false reality it is still a reality for many people in the earth today. Those who believe that everyone should be self-sufficient are really preaching a Godless message. It is said that those who want to do everything for themselves also want to keep God out of their life. It is impossible to believe in the power of God’s Grace and at the same time think that everything one needs is in their own control. Humanism and Christianity are always at odds with each other in their core beliefs. Although for the Christian it is rather obvious that every man needs a Savior the desire to be saved by God is not universal. The more precious gifts of this life can not be bought with money or found in the intellect of man. The more excellent gifts like eternal life, unconditional love and complete forgiveness are all gifts of God that are required for a healthy and complete life. The Saints of God must make it our mission on earth to display for the people of the world that “our sufficiency is of God”. The Lord is all-sufficient to take care of the Heavens so how much more is His sufficiency able to provide for us on earth. The beautiful thing about God’s sufficiency is that it can manifest on whatever needs you may have in your life. If you are low on money, God’s Word can show you how to be a wise investor. If you are in need of healing, draw upon the stripes of Jesus for your complete recovery. If you are lonely, who is a better Comforter than the Holy Spirit. This same Holy Spirit brings life to all those who are open to God’s Love. Since that is a fact established by the Precious Blood of Jesus it would behoove us to demonstrate before our neighbors that God truly is all-sufficient. This sufficiency of God has been given to all His Beloved Children enabling them to effective ministers to all those in need. Amen!